Thursday, October 4, 2012

smart phone or smart Jenna?!

Quick tip that I feel responsible to share considering the basic concept is not my own:


The computer is in the living room and the kitchen is in the kitchen.
The recipe is on the computer.
You haven't upgraded to a laptop
Your computer desk is covered in black sharpe markers and no paper.

Possible solution A)
Write a short hand version of the recipe on your forearm like you used to with your assignments in Junior High because you thought self imposed graffiti was WAY cool.

You're not 13.

Possible (and much better) solution B)
Take your crazy little telephonic device that has all kinds of functions and features that make you nervous every time you try to call your mom.
Take a picture of the screen.
Return to kitchen and cook delicious food,

Todays tip brought to you by Paleo Chicken Piccatta and Primal Smoked Paprika Creamed Leeks!!!

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